Woody is a character from SuperMarioLogan (SML), a popular YouTube channel that features puppet skits. He is depicted as a laid-back and somewhat eccentric redneck with a thick Southern accent. Woody's character is known for his obsession with hunting and eating shrimp, often referring to them as "shrimp-o's."
His catchphrases include exclamations like "CHEWY BOY!"
Woody's catchphrase is "Chewy Boy!" which he often says after catching shrimp.
Woody has an extreme obsession with shrimp, which he refers to as "Shrimpos." This love for shrimp is a central part of his character's humor.
Woody initially appeared in 2008 and has undergone several changes in personality and appearance over the years, evolving from a more prominent role to having more secondary character in some videos.
Besides his shrimp obsession, Woody is portrayed as a redneck with a love for hunting, particularly hunting for "Shrimpos." You can read his blog here.
Woody is voiced by Lance Thirtyacre, who is Logan Thirtyacre’s (the creator of SML) older brother.